Jacob Finkelstein

Frederick, Maryland 21701 ยท [email protected]

I am software developer with 9 years of experience working on web-based applications


Senior Associate

Publicis Sapient

Java Developer and DevSecOps I work with several small teams to maintain and improve a Java website in an Agile environment. I work as a full-stack developer, with a preference for back-end Java. However, I have completed several front-end stories which required the use of either Javascript and/or Angular. I created an integration test framework, using Cucumber, to ensure our web applications would function correctly after code changes. I wrote REST endpoints, following standard best practices whenever possible (including writing integration tests). I overhauled the performance tests (JMeter) that our project was using. This was a very large endeavor that took several months. The performance tests now query the database to generate sample data for each test. Starting around the summer of 2020, I became more DevSecOps focused. I set up a mechanism to automate how our property files were accessed during the build process. I refactored the integration test framework that I initially setup (2 years prior) to be more robust. I upgraded many of our dependencies in order to address security concerns. I created a suite of Python scripts to help automate the process of building our applications. I setup new environments during our cloud migration. I debugged many issues that occurred during the cloud migration. I created Jenkins jobs (written as declarative Jenkins pipelines) to better automate our build and deployment processes. I updated our Ansible playbooks when we needed to add new application server instances. I am in the process of upgrading many of our projects from Spring 4.x to Spring 5.x. This upgrade process also involves updating many other inter-related libraries.

August 2018 - Present

Junior Developer

International Business Machines

Java Developer (9 Months) I worked with a small team to design, develop, test, and debug a prototype Java website in an Agile environment. I was responsible for coding all of the back-end services. I attended numerous meetings with the client to discuss the requirements, data dictionary, and validation rules. I helped configure the development environment, which consisted of a JBoss instance and a Postgres database running on virtualized RedHat box. I setup my local workspace to use a RAM drive; this allowed the application to build and run faster. The application used Hibernate to communicate with Postgres and JAXB to transform the data transfer objects into the XML necessary for SOAP requests/responses. In addition to the create, update, delete, get, and approve methods, I also implemented an audit service from the ground up. I started with a new XSD, and then created the WSDL, the bean, the business object, the data layer objects, and finally the data transfer objects. I integrated this into the existing application and tested it with SOAPUI.

.NET Developer (5 Months) I worked with a team to help support and maintain many small ASP.NET websites. All the websites are written using the .NET framework. A majority of the code I write is back-end based; I have not needed to tinker around with the front-end. I have optimized poorly performing code, added new features as requested by the client, and even resolved a major security vulnerability that I discovered while performing regression testing. I have also had to create or update technical documentation for a few of the applications.

Production Support (4 Months) I worked with a team to help support and maintain two medium-sized ASP.NET websites. I performed daily jobs, executed routine SQL tasks, and investigated security-related issues. I researched potential ways to automate the daily jobs.

.NET Developer (6 Months) I worked with a team to help support and maintain a large ASP.NET website. I mainly used .NET, but would also work with SQL, JavaScript, and the occasional Java application. I converted a legacy Java application (roughly 300k lines) to C# .NET. This required extensive use of regular expresions. Additionally, I set up a Tomcat server and ensured that the applications running on it were functioning

June 2015 - August 2018

Senior Associate

Accenture Federal Services

Technical Architect (15 Months) I set up environments and ensured code deployments had no issues. I worked with Oracle, SQL, and UNIX. I setup and maintained a virtualized LAMP server for internal usage. In addition I managed a Windows server that supported about forty users.

Junior Java Developer (6 Months) I was a programmer on a Java-based website. I helped convert legacy code to a more modern MVC format. Additionally, I performed maintenance work on existing code. The technologies I worked with included Java, Maven, Spring MVC, Hibernate, XML, and a little JSP.

March 2013 - June 2015

Help Desk Associate

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Guided individuals through hardware and software computer problems.

September 2010 - December 2011


University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Bachelor of Science
Majored in Information Systems with a focus in Networking

GPA: 3.31

September 2006 - December 2011

Montgomery College

General Credits
I attended classes full time from Spring 2009 through Fall 2009

GPA: 3.59

Summer of 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Ability to communicate technical ideas in easily understandable terms
  • Two years of experience with languages including Java, C# .NET, SQL, XML, & JavaScript
  • Academic understanding of C++, Angular, NodeJS, NPM, CSS, Python, PHP
  • Advanced experience with Windows and Linux operating systems


Apart from being a software developer, I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements, particularlly in the mobile industry. I also keep a close eye on on computer security.

In my free time, I enjoy fantasy genre movies, television shows, and books. I enjoy playing games with friends, including board games, card games, video games, and virtual reality. I am an aspiring chef and baker.

Awards & Certifications

  • Advanced Placement Scholar Award - Computer Science
  • Advanced Placement Scholar Award - Biology
  • President's List - Spring 2010
  • President's List - Fall 2010
  • President's List - Spring 2011
  • Oracle Certified Associate in Java 7 - November 2014